Saturday, 22 October 2011

Pengenalan Serangga

Insects are some of the most important animals on our planet. They are referred to as Arthropods (under the phylumArthropoda), the largest phyla of the animal kingdom.There are virtually tens of millions of arthropod species that exist on our planet, and there are still a great many of these animals not yet discovered!

Preying Mantis
Animals belonging to the arthropod group include crustaceans, (like shrimp and crabs), various spiders and scorpions,centipedes, and more.

Crab Spider
The name arthropod means "jointed-foot"and refers to the clearly jointed appearance of the animal's limbs. It is thought that certain arthropods may have devolved fromAnnelid ancestors (worms, leeches, etc.) that developed legs.

Centipedes Have a Protective Exoskeleton
A commonality of the arthropod is their hard outer coat or protective shell, which is known as an exoskeleton and protects their soft insides from harm or injury. In most cases the arthropod molts, meaning it sheds its old coat to grow a new larger coat as needed. This process is similar to that of snakes shedding their skin.

The Sidewinder -
a fascinating, yet poisonous snake;
part of the Viper family 

Black Beetle

Many of these animals help provide food for many life forms, and even contribute to providing humans with clothing, medicines, and protection against harmful organisms.
All of these animals are very important to our existence, and play a strong, significant role in the balance of our environment.

Here are a few interesting fun facts:The next time you see a Worker Antscurrying across your floor, keep in mind she is not a lone explorer! She is a scout, and reports back to hundreds or thousands of sister-ants once she finishes searching for food.
As their name reflects, worker ants really are hard workers! They're smart, too. Ants have sophistocated ways and methods of doing things.

Worker Ants and their Queen
Some ants gather tidbits such as dead insects, seeds, and even cookie crumbs. Others hunt insects, collect seeds, and even snip leaves for harvesting food.
Never underestimate the power of an ant, for they are amazing creatures. In fact, many cultures and civilizations have studied ant habits, and have gained tremendous knowledge from their observation.

Now, Bees are very important for pollination. As they buzz along the flowers they encounter, they carry pollen from one plant to another. Those busy little bees visit the flowers to gather that sweet liquid produced, known as nectar. With long mouths, they reach into pockets of the nectar, tucked deep within the flower petals. Additionally, bees, ants and Wasps can wiggle their hind ends freely, thanks to their narrow waists called pedicels. In some wasps and ants, the pedicel is very long and thin, a potentially helpful feature.

Then, there is the adult Yellow Jacket Wasp, who also drinks nectar, but this species also feeds chewed up insects tolarvae. In other words, some wasps paralyze insects with their stingers, stuff them into the ground, and lay eggs on the bodies. The larvae that hatch will eat the disabled insects.
Another commonality betwen wasps, bees, and ants is that they can sting. Millions of years ago, their stingers were egg-laying tubes. Over time, the tubes evolved into sharp lances with poison sacs.

The class Arachnida contains spiders,scorpionsmitesticks, and a few other groups on land and in the sea. These animals usually have four pairs of walking legs, and basically lack antennae andwings. Some mites will suck sap from plants, while ticks are bloodsuckers. However, most arachnids are carnivores, despite the fact that they have no real jaws.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pengenalan Haiwan Mamalia

Mamalia tergolong dalam benda hidup, kumpulan haiwanmempunyai tulang belakang. Ciri-ciri haiwan mamalia adalah seperti berikut :-
  • Mempunyai saraf tunjang.
  • Bertulang belakang.
  • Mempunyai jantung dengan 4 ruang.
  • Badan dilitupi oleh bulu.
  • Mempunyai cuping telinga.
  • Mempunyai kelenjar peluh.
  • Mamalia betina melahirkan dan menyusukan anak, kecuali mamalia yang sangat primitif seperti Platypus dan sesetengah Tenggiling.
  • Bernafas melalui peparu.
  • Berdarah panas (suhu badan tetap).
Contoh-contoh haiwan mamalia :-

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